Basements can be constructed using a variety of methods, however the most common is reinforced concrete which is either shuttered with temporary formwork or formwork that remains in place such as concrete block shuttering or Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF). Biocraft work in partnership with Polysteel who are a leading supplier of ICF formwork.


Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) by PolySteel WARMERWALL is probably the most energy efficient building block you can use to build the walls of homes, apartments, hotels, commercial units, property extensions, basements, pools also ideal for strip foundations and retaining walls.

Building contractors will find our method ideal for providing the latest “Thermal Storage” homes and commercial buildings such as schools or hospitals.

Self-builders can live their dream by building with WARMERWALL blocks to enjoy a highly insulated home with year round cosy draught free comfort with whisper quiet interior that will continually reward you with some of the lowest heating costs around.

The WARMERWALL blocks made of a building grade flame retardant type of expanded polystyrene are quick and easy to construct, fitting together with a simple tongue and groove design. The blocks interlock to form the walls into which special strong mix of concrete is poured. Once the concrete has cured the wall will have a strength typically four times stronger than a wall built of high density concrete blocks or bricks.

Main Benefits of PolySteel Warmerwall include:

  • Possible to build up to 5m² of wall area per man hour
  • Safer, lighter on site handling
  • Each WARMERWALL block form weighs 6kg and covers 0.72m² of wall area
  • A high mass super strong wall which is typically four times stronger than a concrete block or brick wall
  • A PolySteel wall strength is generally 30N standard
  • Suitable for Basements, Substructures, Superstructures and Pools
  • Enhanced air tightness making the inside almost draught free
  • Less than 3 m³/h.m² air changes per hour usually achieved
  • Solid walls providing a whisper quiet interior (50dB normal)
  • Fire rating of up to 3 hours
  • Easier and quicker 1st and 2nd fix for follow on trades, providing continued labour savings
  • Manufactured in the UK
  • Quick delivery times

There are many more benefits of using PolySteel WARMERWALL whether for a residential or commercial project.